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Bryant Counseling Approaches

As a former child with ADHD and Big Ten Conference College student-athlete Coach Leo understands the positive effects sports and other recreational activities can have on children and adults living with this disorder. Recreational, Music, Play, and Storybook/Art therapy aren't just fun but critical in the cognitive development of our young people.

Let's Discuss Minority Boys and Absent Fathers

Welcome to another edition of the Leadership Blend Live Podcast! Today we welcome Licensed Counselor Leo Bryant to the show! He is also the Co-Founder of Fatherless in Georgia. We are discussing the psyche of minority children and the outcomes in education. How does it affect them mentally? Is it a major factor in ensuring their success?


Psychorecreational (Sports) Therapy

      Primarily Ages 16 through 20

(through the language of sports muscle memory is created to assist the developmental skills needed to aid in developing cognitive development)

No longer just a "MAN's" way of communicating ( but still highly effective!) goal of this intervention is to present opportunities for natural rapport building, non-verbal communication, mentorship, and establishing code of respect amongst clients that aren't so warm and fuzzy and at times a bit homophobic.

Primarily based in reality based therapy can also be easily integrated into a CBT, (Cognitive Based Therapy) type system as well.

Can be time consuming but yields immediate behavioral changes and should be used in a mountain climber model (ex. 3 sessions week 1, 2 sessions week 2, 1 session week 3, 2 sessions week 4, 3 sessions week 5)

Introducing, maintaining, and emphasizing behavioral charts, reward systems, and self-reflection throughout is quintessential and critical. 

Music & Sounds In PychoTherapy

-All Ages

(Utilizing a universal language, therapist implement person centered therapy techniques allows client to take the lead.)

What is really cool about this intervention is that you don't have to be a musician at all. Just like music and be willing to learn and share your thoughts. Primarily used as an ice breaker, warm up, or cooling down activity to be integrated within other more intensive therapies. The goal is to build rapport, social skills, and self-confidence.


Play In PsychoTherapy

Primarily Ages 4 through 11

(building blocks, board & card games, role plays or psychodrama)

Primarily Ages 4 through 11 (building blocks, board & card games, role plays or psychodrama)

"Easy as learning to riding a bike" teaching and interacting with children should be a game focusing on learning at their speed. Parents or caretakers are the training wheels. goal of this intervention is to assist caretakers with children diagnosed with emotional disorders or suspected of having emotional or behavioral disorders (ODD, ADHD, Autism, PTSD, Depression etc.) Individual critical thinking, non-verbal communication, social skills, and interpersonal skill development are all primarily focuses throughout the implementation of these interventions. Family sessions are strongly encouraged and utilized.


Linguistic's & Narrative PsychoTherapy

Primarily Ages 4 through 9

(very interactive and can be facilitated by parents or other untrained/unlicensed professionals)

This intervention is critically important. I often express to parents or caretakers that you can't get water from a dry well. Or even better you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. The goal and strategy is to plant seeds inside these young peoples minds 1st, water and nurture them next, and finally providing opportunities for them to practice what they've learned so that they may bare and eat the fruit when faced with real world challenges.

Visual Aid & Art in PsychoTherapy

All Ages

(Primarily uses a persons ability to formulate any type picture or illustration to express themselves when they don't have the words to express themselves.)

Mr. Leo displays how art is used to assist kids in recalling information and grasping abstract concepts. Often times when children and adults regress or reach levels of frustration or confusion words escape them and this is were written or non-verbal forms of communication come in to play. The goal of this intervention is to allow children to use free association (any form of communication) to express their thoughts and to speak to indirectly as what is done in narrative therapy. A picture is worth a thousands words.


Youth Empowerment and Awareness Seminars

During my early days as a school counselor the administration and counseling department took a front line stance in addressing the blatant and demoralizing disrespect and domestic violence running rampant throughout our school and community.

"Be the change you want to see in the world" Ghandi

Mentorship is said to be the act of pouring a little bit of you into another with the goal being for them to gain knowledge. This speech was aimed to do just that. Communication more so in the African American culture has been lost amongst the generations and has begun to manifest itself in the holistic regression of the race and heritage as a whole.

"We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope." Dr. MLK Jr.


This is a video clip of me and a few other supports helping me established a community based youth center back in West Philadelphia. Let this show and prove that our youth always have had and always will have a message within them.

"I wanted to place this video up because I feel it important we all be reminded or informed that life is short and precious. Our universal goal should be to live it to the fulliest!

Contact Us


We want to hear your feedback and thoughts about your experience browsing over our approaches and theories. We can't become better clinicians without our clients and colleagues helping us. Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.


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Est. 2012 in Douglasville


Douglas, Clayton, Cobb, & Fulton County


Main Location:

2465 Main Street 

Suite 110

East Point, Georgia 30344

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Social Media: FaceBook/IG



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